API Integration

Set up your campaign and get API Key

Create campaign

Click “Add campaign” button as shown below:
Set the name of campaign in the popup shown and click “Add” button:

Get api key

After campaign is added, click on the key icon to see the api key and email address key:
Copy the api key:

API Integration options

HTTP POST call (3.1):

The boomtrack api uses a standart HTTP features
The data must be sent as POST request to the api url (endpoin)

Api url:


Request and response format:

Each request should include Basic authentication and specify the relevant fields
The fields data will be included in the body of the request
The response formatted as JSON


HTTP status codes are sent back in the API responses to indicate whether a request was successful. In case of an error, the response body contains an error message with a more detailed description of the error.


Every API request must be authenticated using a HTTP Authentication header, as follows:
Authorization: Bearer {API KEY}
Replace {API KEY} to your campaign api key
For example: Authorization: Bearer dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Request examples:

HTML Form (3.2):

You can send the lead by regular html form with the following input fields:

By Emails (3.3):

Insert the unique email address (that you get from boom-track system) to delivery address.in the body of the email you can set the fields in the following format:

Fields legal content for fields:

Name of field Type of field Required Max character length allowed Description
name string 100 First Name and Last Name
email string 100 Email address
phone string 20 Phone number
city string 40 city
source string 100 Source Field of your campaign
referer string 100 Referrer Field of your campaign
text string 500
accept boolean 1 Get 1(accept) or 0(not accept)
custom json json array of objects defined by custom fields type This field accepts list of custom fields

How to work with custom fields

Custom fields types:

Types of custom fields:
maximum number of custom fields you can set for a request is 10
if more than 10 custom fields passed the request will fail and the lead will be denied
custom fields not supported by inline(HTML FORM (3.2)) and email (3.3) options they can be set by server side like PHP or some custom JS solutions

Rules and limitations:

Fields Limits Description
type valid custom field type valid type of custom field
label must be a string and max 20 chars the text that we show as a label of the custom field
value a string for “string” type field with limit of 255 chars or json object with more params for some types of fields a string for “string” type field with limit of 255 chars or json object with more params for some types of fields

“url” type fields:

type – as described above
label – as described above
value – as described below

value must be a json object with the following fields:

Fields Value Limits Description
text some text for the link must be a string and max 20 chars the text that we show as the anchor value
href some url must be a valid url and max 150 chars the url that set as anchor href

Syntax example in php:

Syntax example in json:

Result example as shown in the admin: